
Patricia Halpin

Overall Ratings
Based on 134 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (134)

5 of 6
5 of 6
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May 16, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Amazing lecturer. One of the few classes I looked forward to. Uses interactive system that I was very iffy on at first, but it really helped.


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June 9, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Halpin basically reads off her slides and class is podcast anyway, so coming to class would get you an easy 60 points, but be prepared to be bored. Tests were not too hard either, I mean there is a lot to memorize since we are basically learning about phylum within Bacteria, Archaea, and Eurkaryotes Domains, in addition to learning about evolution, etc. I reviewed the lecture notes at least twice as well as read the book twice. i mean if you study the lecture notes in depth and read the book then you should get a decent grade. However, missing a multiple choice question could cost you 4 pts each. She makes each question worth so much so that is what lowers your grade if you make mistakes. Questions on tests are worth anywhere between 4 to 25 points, so make sure you know everything just in case. There are reading (80 pts) and lab quizzes each week as well as Lab sections (200 pts including lab quiz), two midterms (180 pts each) and a cumulative final (300 pts), so in the end everything is worth (1000 pts). Overall, it's an ok class, take it only if you need to like for GE or your pre-requisites.


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Oct. 28, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Halpin is one of the WORST PROFESSORS AT UCLA!

She is so bad at lecturing and her tests are impossible. The whole grading scheme in LS1 is messed up. For example, one short answer question that requires 2 words will be worth 10 points. If you forget 1 word, you lose 5 (and most of the time, you won't remember both so you get screwed).

Her in-class questions are such bs since you don't have to get them correct. She says "um" every other word and made me hate the environment. She thinks she is actually making a difference in the world....but she is probably one of the dumbest professors I have had at UCLA.

Be prepared to not do well...the TAs grade harshly on labs as well...the only good thing is that everyone complains so it's really fun to make fun of her...


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July 18, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

There is no curve in the class and subjects of the class may not be as exciting as you may want it to be, but she is not that scary, bumblingstubling lecturer, hard and scary teacher that her rep here on bwalk may crack her up to be.. If you guys have the chance to take her, or have no choice, here are some tips to go by:

The class isn't curved, so out of 1000 points, you'll need to reach that 900 mark for that A-, 800 B- and so on.

Be sure to do your best on the lab portion of your grade, which when i took it, was 250 out of 1000 total points for the course. Get to know your T.A and be sure to read the lab manuals before each lab, because there is a short reading quiz before each. Capitalize on the lab portion!!

You only need to READ THE HIGHLIGHTED PARTS of your textbook, as her powerpoint slides that she provides for you will be online. be sure to print out all her lectures! and know them by heart, starting definitely at least 3 days before your midterms to get to know them. Reading the highlighted parts in your textbook will save you the time of reading the whole chapter, and may also help you understand the material better.

Her exams are set up that there is a multiple choice portion and a short answer portion. Here's a helpful tip that if you have older friends who have taken the class.. ask them if they still have their old midterms if they took halpin, and use that as a study guide to help prepare as well. But if not, her midterms and final are definitely lecture based, and if you want that grade bad enough, you'll take the time to make study groups and question each other till you can practically recite each lecture and you will be ready! That includes diagrams..

Study hard and goodluck!


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Dec. 23, 2010
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I took EEB 100 and LS1 with Halpin. People need to sack up and appreciate the fact that all they have to do is memorize her slides to do well on her tests. While this was admittedly difficult for LS1 due to the large amount of material, the ecology half of EEB 100 was just a rehash of LS1, with 1 or 2 new topics thrown in. I've had 2 other teachers require the same clicker, so I can't single her out for having to pay $40 when I would have anyways - plus they are easy points in an uncurved class. While she isn't the easiest teacher for LS1 if you aren't capable of sheer memorization, the ecology portion of EEB 100 probably couldn't have been easier. About a quarter got an A on the test worth 45% of the final grade (you get to make an 8.5x11 cheat sheet which you can just copy her entire class on). It's definitely reasonable to get an A in her class if you put enough effort in.


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Jan. 9, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I really enjoyed the material and the way it was presented in lecture. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and explained concepts very well.


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March 16, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I enjoyed the lectures very much even though I didn't think I was interested in the subject before. She also puts interesting links on the class website. The tests are fair and not tricky. You do have to apply concepts as well as memorize. Professor Halpin is genuine and cares about her students.


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June 13, 2012
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Halpin is the worst professor I have ever had. She is super unfair on the midterms and each multiple choice is worth 4 points. She also set a one worded short answer to be 6 points. I mean..really? She stumbles every lecture even though she just reads off the slides. Everything is based on lecture so the book did not help that much. The labs are pointless and the in lab assignments are boring and useless. You basically walk around the room looking at printed out powerpoint slides and answer questions that you can't even find on the slides... the first 2 weeks have lab hw that is essay format and make sure you have an easy ta because mine graded so hard. on the tests, don't bother counting on partial credit because when I basically put a synonym of the answer I got NO CREDIT. She always asks 'is there a question?' annoyingly when people are talking and once shut the door on a student trying to get into the classroom from the front because she was annoyed. You have to memorize so much stupid taxa and there is a lot... she says she will curve if the entire class average is below 75% but that is rare since she makes the class out of 1000 points so it is super hard to get an A. DO NOT TAKE HER.


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Jan. 9, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Dr. Halpin is very good at explaining things in an interesting manner that kept me interested in the course. The videos she showed during class and other learning activities made the material of the class much more interesting and easier to learn.


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March 16, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Halpin's a great professor. I wasn't really interested in the topic beforehand, but she made it really entertaining.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
May 16, 2013

Amazing lecturer. One of the few classes I looked forward to. Uses interactive system that I was very iffy on at first, but it really helped.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 9, 2010

Halpin basically reads off her slides and class is podcast anyway, so coming to class would get you an easy 60 points, but be prepared to be bored. Tests were not too hard either, I mean there is a lot to memorize since we are basically learning about phylum within Bacteria, Archaea, and Eurkaryotes Domains, in addition to learning about evolution, etc. I reviewed the lecture notes at least twice as well as read the book twice. i mean if you study the lecture notes in depth and read the book then you should get a decent grade. However, missing a multiple choice question could cost you 4 pts each. She makes each question worth so much so that is what lowers your grade if you make mistakes. Questions on tests are worth anywhere between 4 to 25 points, so make sure you know everything just in case. There are reading (80 pts) and lab quizzes each week as well as Lab sections (200 pts including lab quiz), two midterms (180 pts each) and a cumulative final (300 pts), so in the end everything is worth (1000 pts). Overall, it's an ok class, take it only if you need to like for GE or your pre-requisites.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Oct. 28, 2012

Halpin is one of the WORST PROFESSORS AT UCLA!

She is so bad at lecturing and her tests are impossible. The whole grading scheme in LS1 is messed up. For example, one short answer question that requires 2 words will be worth 10 points. If you forget 1 word, you lose 5 (and most of the time, you won't remember both so you get screwed).

Her in-class questions are such bs since you don't have to get them correct. She says "um" every other word and made me hate the environment. She thinks she is actually making a difference in the world....but she is probably one of the dumbest professors I have had at UCLA.

Be prepared to not do well...the TAs grade harshly on labs as well...the only good thing is that everyone complains so it's really fun to make fun of her...


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
July 18, 2010

There is no curve in the class and subjects of the class may not be as exciting as you may want it to be, but she is not that scary, bumblingstubling lecturer, hard and scary teacher that her rep here on bwalk may crack her up to be.. If you guys have the chance to take her, or have no choice, here are some tips to go by:

The class isn't curved, so out of 1000 points, you'll need to reach that 900 mark for that A-, 800 B- and so on.

Be sure to do your best on the lab portion of your grade, which when i took it, was 250 out of 1000 total points for the course. Get to know your T.A and be sure to read the lab manuals before each lab, because there is a short reading quiz before each. Capitalize on the lab portion!!

You only need to READ THE HIGHLIGHTED PARTS of your textbook, as her powerpoint slides that she provides for you will be online. be sure to print out all her lectures! and know them by heart, starting definitely at least 3 days before your midterms to get to know them. Reading the highlighted parts in your textbook will save you the time of reading the whole chapter, and may also help you understand the material better.

Her exams are set up that there is a multiple choice portion and a short answer portion. Here's a helpful tip that if you have older friends who have taken the class.. ask them if they still have their old midterms if they took halpin, and use that as a study guide to help prepare as well. But if not, her midterms and final are definitely lecture based, and if you want that grade bad enough, you'll take the time to make study groups and question each other till you can practically recite each lecture and you will be ready! That includes diagrams..

Study hard and goodluck!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 23, 2010

I took EEB 100 and LS1 with Halpin. People need to sack up and appreciate the fact that all they have to do is memorize her slides to do well on her tests. While this was admittedly difficult for LS1 due to the large amount of material, the ecology half of EEB 100 was just a rehash of LS1, with 1 or 2 new topics thrown in. I've had 2 other teachers require the same clicker, so I can't single her out for having to pay $40 when I would have anyways - plus they are easy points in an uncurved class. While she isn't the easiest teacher for LS1 if you aren't capable of sheer memorization, the ecology portion of EEB 100 probably couldn't have been easier. About a quarter got an A on the test worth 45% of the final grade (you get to make an 8.5x11 cheat sheet which you can just copy her entire class on). It's definitely reasonable to get an A in her class if you put enough effort in.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 9, 2014

I really enjoyed the material and the way it was presented in lecture. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and explained concepts very well.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 16, 2013

I enjoyed the lectures very much even though I didn't think I was interested in the subject before. She also puts interesting links on the class website. The tests are fair and not tricky. You do have to apply concepts as well as memorize. Professor Halpin is genuine and cares about her students.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 13, 2012

Halpin is the worst professor I have ever had. She is super unfair on the midterms and each multiple choice is worth 4 points. She also set a one worded short answer to be 6 points. I mean..really? She stumbles every lecture even though she just reads off the slides. Everything is based on lecture so the book did not help that much. The labs are pointless and the in lab assignments are boring and useless. You basically walk around the room looking at printed out powerpoint slides and answer questions that you can't even find on the slides... the first 2 weeks have lab hw that is essay format and make sure you have an easy ta because mine graded so hard. on the tests, don't bother counting on partial credit because when I basically put a synonym of the answer I got NO CREDIT. She always asks 'is there a question?' annoyingly when people are talking and once shut the door on a student trying to get into the classroom from the front because she was annoyed. You have to memorize so much stupid taxa and there is a lot... she says she will curve if the entire class average is below 75% but that is rare since she makes the class out of 1000 points so it is super hard to get an A. DO NOT TAKE HER.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 9, 2014

Dr. Halpin is very good at explaining things in an interesting manner that kept me interested in the course. The videos she showed during class and other learning activities made the material of the class much more interesting and easier to learn.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
March 16, 2013

Halpin's a great professor. I wasn't really interested in the topic beforehand, but she made it really entertaining.


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5 of 6

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