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Peter Stacey
Based on 39 Users
TL/DR: Fantastic Class. Highly recommend if he offers it again, especially for history majors looking for their 94/96/97. Really interesting subject and Stacey is great at asking some really interesting questions. For more on the class, grade breakdowns, structure, etc., see this doc (didn't want to paste everything on Bwalk) https://docs.google.com/document/d/15vILblHwWrnV7KnB-sOFzTRnQE2QPA7nmHxj4gdNKBU/edit?usp=sharing
The reviews from other students from past quarters makes this class sound like a total breeze. However, (in my experience) this class was the diametric opposite. Stacey graded the midterms exceptionally harshly which caused many of us to drop the class. This class is not an easy A. If that's why you're taking it find something else.
Stacey is A true gem of a professor in the History department. He is always extremely helpful and clear within the framework of the class. The midterm and final are both papers which are very straightforward and as long as you put some work in, you'll do just fine.
Professor Stacey was fantastic in all ways. He had very engaging lectures as was always very helpful if I had any questions. The class is comprised of two papers with several prompts to choose from and I would say it was graded not too harshly for most. If you do the readings each week, you will absolutely do well. Overall great class!
Professor Stacey is an outstanding professor. If you need to fulfill this requirement for history majors I highly recommend this class if offered. It's comprised of weekly group discussions and readings which are very manageable, and a presentation and a final essay. He is a genuinely nice guy and is always very helpful. Great class!
Professor Stacey is amazing. I took History 191C with him, and enjoyed both the course material and the discussions. The class is basically made up of one presentation which is 30% of the grade, and 15-20 page paper which is 70% of the grade. I thought his grading was fair, not tough at all. Overall, highly recommended professor.
Pete is a good professor. His class is pretty straight forward. He tends to "leave planet Earth" and talk entire class nonstop on philosophical matters, which was putting me to sleep. But he shows that he cares about the subject and the students, and also grades everything himself - which is a great plus!
I took 128A with Stacey spring 2011. He seems like a pretty chill guy. Lectures can be a bit boring. I went to class everyday, but rarely paid attention. Regardless, take home midterm and take home final. Never went to office hours. Ended up with an A+.
This is a great class to take if you're planning on law school and need an easy A or A+ to boost your GPA.
There's a take-home midterm and take-home final, both with a wide variety of prompts to choose from. Don't do any reading until exam week - just pick a prompt, do all the reading that's relevant to that prompt, and ignore the rest. Show that you've done the readings by citing them heavily on the exam and it's hard not to do well. I got an A+ with pretty minimal effort.
Stacey does his best to keep the material interesting, but it's a bit dry unless humanism or political theory is your thing. Do go to class - it's super helpful for the exams and he takes attendance two or three times a quarter.
TL/DR: Fantastic Class. Highly recommend if he offers it again, especially for history majors looking for their 94/96/97. Really interesting subject and Stacey is great at asking some really interesting questions. For more on the class, grade breakdowns, structure, etc., see this doc (didn't want to paste everything on Bwalk) https://docs.google.com/document/d/15vILblHwWrnV7KnB-sOFzTRnQE2QPA7nmHxj4gdNKBU/edit?usp=sharing
The reviews from other students from past quarters makes this class sound like a total breeze. However, (in my experience) this class was the diametric opposite. Stacey graded the midterms exceptionally harshly which caused many of us to drop the class. This class is not an easy A. If that's why you're taking it find something else.
Stacey is A true gem of a professor in the History department. He is always extremely helpful and clear within the framework of the class. The midterm and final are both papers which are very straightforward and as long as you put some work in, you'll do just fine.
Professor Stacey was fantastic in all ways. He had very engaging lectures as was always very helpful if I had any questions. The class is comprised of two papers with several prompts to choose from and I would say it was graded not too harshly for most. If you do the readings each week, you will absolutely do well. Overall great class!
Professor Stacey is an outstanding professor. If you need to fulfill this requirement for history majors I highly recommend this class if offered. It's comprised of weekly group discussions and readings which are very manageable, and a presentation and a final essay. He is a genuinely nice guy and is always very helpful. Great class!
Professor Stacey is amazing. I took History 191C with him, and enjoyed both the course material and the discussions. The class is basically made up of one presentation which is 30% of the grade, and 15-20 page paper which is 70% of the grade. I thought his grading was fair, not tough at all. Overall, highly recommended professor.
Pete is a good professor. His class is pretty straight forward. He tends to "leave planet Earth" and talk entire class nonstop on philosophical matters, which was putting me to sleep. But he shows that he cares about the subject and the students, and also grades everything himself - which is a great plus!
I took 128A with Stacey spring 2011. He seems like a pretty chill guy. Lectures can be a bit boring. I went to class everyday, but rarely paid attention. Regardless, take home midterm and take home final. Never went to office hours. Ended up with an A+.
This is a great class to take if you're planning on law school and need an easy A or A+ to boost your GPA.
There's a take-home midterm and take-home final, both with a wide variety of prompts to choose from. Don't do any reading until exam week - just pick a prompt, do all the reading that's relevant to that prompt, and ignore the rest. Show that you've done the readings by citing them heavily on the exam and it's hard not to do well. I got an A+ with pretty minimal effort.
Stacey does his best to keep the material interesting, but it's a bit dry unless humanism or political theory is your thing. Do go to class - it's super helpful for the exams and he takes attendance two or three times a quarter.