Raymond Waung
Department of Physics
Overall Rating
Based on 17 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.8 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Reviews (17)

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Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: B
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Oct. 2, 2023

Well most of the reviews here are correct. He only writes on a black board and he does not post lectures online to watch. so you have to go to each lecture. He also does not post his written notes so if you don’t go you need to get them from a friend. However, he knows that there are sometimes when you can’t go and he will give you a link to an old recorded lecture. Also, I think you need to get a seat at the front. A lot of people couldn’t hear him, making it hard to take notes. We asked him to wear a microphone and he said no.

I thought his exams were pretty rough specifically because he gave so many questions and we had like an hour to finish it. I received F’s on both of my midterms but he gives a generous curve so I went to a B- and a C. People did better on the second midterm than the first resulting in a lower curve. In the final I got 88% but I studied my ass off. I don’t think that his practice midterms are at all relevant to his actual exams. The practice exams are way too easy. Overall with those grades in mind I ended up with a B in the class.


He would assign book problems and for grading they would select random problems and they wouldn’t grade all


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Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A
Oct. 8, 2022

I really hate physics, but this class was honestly great. I came in with absolutely no knowledge of electricity, and came out feeling like I genuinely understood the content, and wasn't just memorizing facts for an exam. As another reviewer mentioned, Dr. Waung doesn't have slides, but instead lectures in a traditional "write on the blackboard" kind of way, but does give out a notes outline for you to follow along with. If you literally just write down everything he does, you'll do perfectly (and he writes very slowly and very large, so it's easy to follow along). I did little to no studying for this class outside of just doing the homework and a few of his optional practice problems and got As on the exams. The exams were all very fair and had nothing out of left field. He also curved rather generously. Also we were allowed one index card for each midterm, and then three for the final.

Dr. Waung was also just a very pleasant guy! He's like your neighbor from across the street who waves at you while watering the garden. Or like the baker at a donut shop who always knows your usual order. Just overall a nice dude. I definitely recommend taking 5C with him.


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Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Sept. 15, 2022

I certainly did learn a lot with Professor Waung, but oh my god was this class HARD. The workload was not that bad for the material being compressed into six weeks, but the exams were very difficult. The labs were usually completed fairly quick and the pre labs were fairly simple. The first two midterms taking place in weeks 2 and 4 were ok and had some very difficult questions as well as some easy questions. However, the final was what really got me. The final was three hours long and was composed of around eight questions, however, I feel like the material assigned to help us prepare for the final was not that great. First of all, the practice finals felt too easy compared to the actual final and a lot of the suggested review problems posted were also too easy. The final was SUPER conceptual and caught a lot of students including myself off guard from how difficult it was compared to the previous exams. I would suggest this class and professor if you need to take physics during the summer, however, make sure your understanding of the material is rock solid and don't just have a superficial understanding of it and expect exams to be plug and chug. Good luck!


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Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 20, 2021

Given that I took this class during the summer online, this class was difficult. Professor Waung is the best physics professor I've had in the Physics 5 series. The class is straightforward and organized. No extra credit.

Lectures: He gives clear and concise lectures and also notes that include all the equations you ever need. You just have to fill in the examples he gives.

Exams: 2 midterms and a final. Exams are challenging because the practice exams are too easy in my opinion and not given enough time. However, it is self-timed and you can take it anytime within the time period ~ 8 hours.

Homework: based on the correctness of 2 random questions they grade. The workload is typical for the physics series.

Overall, his lectures are easy to understand but the class is brutal. Great professor.


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Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Nov. 18, 2020

The exams were overall quite easy in this class, and workload was very manageable (especially considering that this is a physics class). That said, I found the class extremely boring and the prerecorded lectures were super dry. Professor Waung will be a good prof for you if you like to just memorize equations, but he doesn't provide much conceptual background for things. He really just scribbles out mathematic transformations on a blackboard (which you could easily figure out on your own). I prefer to learn concepts so I ended up doing all of my learning from the textbook. I don't know why I kept watching the prerecorded videos for the whole quarter.


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Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 21, 2020

I really think Waung is one of the best physics professors for the 5 series. He's incredibly clear about the material during lectures, and his practice tests are a very good indicator of how to study for exams. I found his teaching method very easy to understand and follow and genuinely felt like I learned a lot in his class. Instead of slides, he writes notes on a blackboard and does practice problems. He also provides note sheets for students to fill out.

Another really great thing (imo) is that Waung doesn't require students to use Mastering Physics for homework, he gives us homework problems from the book that we can fill out and upload to gradescope.

I recommend Waung as a professor. He is really approachable and a great teacher.


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Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Aug. 13, 2020

Hi Bruins!

Like many of the reviewers below, I took Physics 5C with Professor Waung in Summer Session A during the apocalypse. I've got to say... He's actually a really good professor! I enjoyed learning physics with him because he does a great job of interlacing physics with modern concepts.

His teaching style is very clear and concise. I don't think I have ever went to his office hours (and discussion LOL) because that's how clear his teaching is. He does a great job of breaking down problems step by step and creating over-arching themes with other physics material.

His grading scheme may scare you because I think the cut-off for an A was a 94-95%, but his exam and homework problems are really not that hard. There are some tricky questions sprinkled throughout the course, but they are all just simply based off of the problems he goes over in the lecture videos.

In addition, other than labs (which I think is the most tedious and annoying part of physics because they truly suck the life outta you and take so darn long to complete), you don't really have to attend his lectures, because he just posts videos on ccle for the week and you can simply binge watch through them at 2x the speed!!!!

Don't get your hopes up though because you do have to study and watch his lectures in its entirety. While this class may simply be a breeze (which it was to some people), it does take effort to understand what he's going on about. So yeah study y'all (bc lowkey there is nothing else to do in this pandemic)!!!!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: B
Oct. 2, 2023

Well most of the reviews here are correct. He only writes on a black board and he does not post lectures online to watch. so you have to go to each lecture. He also does not post his written notes so if you don’t go you need to get them from a friend. However, he knows that there are sometimes when you can’t go and he will give you a link to an old recorded lecture. Also, I think you need to get a seat at the front. A lot of people couldn’t hear him, making it hard to take notes. We asked him to wear a microphone and he said no.

I thought his exams were pretty rough specifically because he gave so many questions and we had like an hour to finish it. I received F’s on both of my midterms but he gives a generous curve so I went to a B- and a C. People did better on the second midterm than the first resulting in a lower curve. In the final I got 88% but I studied my ass off. I don’t think that his practice midterms are at all relevant to his actual exams. The practice exams are way too easy. Overall with those grades in mind I ended up with a B in the class.


He would assign book problems and for grading they would select random problems and they wouldn’t grade all


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Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A
Oct. 8, 2022

I really hate physics, but this class was honestly great. I came in with absolutely no knowledge of electricity, and came out feeling like I genuinely understood the content, and wasn't just memorizing facts for an exam. As another reviewer mentioned, Dr. Waung doesn't have slides, but instead lectures in a traditional "write on the blackboard" kind of way, but does give out a notes outline for you to follow along with. If you literally just write down everything he does, you'll do perfectly (and he writes very slowly and very large, so it's easy to follow along). I did little to no studying for this class outside of just doing the homework and a few of his optional practice problems and got As on the exams. The exams were all very fair and had nothing out of left field. He also curved rather generously. Also we were allowed one index card for each midterm, and then three for the final.

Dr. Waung was also just a very pleasant guy! He's like your neighbor from across the street who waves at you while watering the garden. Or like the baker at a donut shop who always knows your usual order. Just overall a nice dude. I definitely recommend taking 5C with him.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: N/A
Sept. 15, 2022

I certainly did learn a lot with Professor Waung, but oh my god was this class HARD. The workload was not that bad for the material being compressed into six weeks, but the exams were very difficult. The labs were usually completed fairly quick and the pre labs were fairly simple. The first two midterms taking place in weeks 2 and 4 were ok and had some very difficult questions as well as some easy questions. However, the final was what really got me. The final was three hours long and was composed of around eight questions, however, I feel like the material assigned to help us prepare for the final was not that great. First of all, the practice finals felt too easy compared to the actual final and a lot of the suggested review problems posted were also too easy. The final was SUPER conceptual and caught a lot of students including myself off guard from how difficult it was compared to the previous exams. I would suggest this class and professor if you need to take physics during the summer, however, make sure your understanding of the material is rock solid and don't just have a superficial understanding of it and expect exams to be plug and chug. Good luck!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2021
Grade: A
Sept. 20, 2021

Given that I took this class during the summer online, this class was difficult. Professor Waung is the best physics professor I've had in the Physics 5 series. The class is straightforward and organized. No extra credit.

Lectures: He gives clear and concise lectures and also notes that include all the equations you ever need. You just have to fill in the examples he gives.

Exams: 2 midterms and a final. Exams are challenging because the practice exams are too easy in my opinion and not given enough time. However, it is self-timed and you can take it anytime within the time period ~ 8 hours.

Homework: based on the correctness of 2 random questions they grade. The workload is typical for the physics series.

Overall, his lectures are easy to understand but the class is brutal. Great professor.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A+
Nov. 18, 2020

The exams were overall quite easy in this class, and workload was very manageable (especially considering that this is a physics class). That said, I found the class extremely boring and the prerecorded lectures were super dry. Professor Waung will be a good prof for you if you like to just memorize equations, but he doesn't provide much conceptual background for things. He really just scribbles out mathematic transformations on a blackboard (which you could easily figure out on your own). I prefer to learn concepts so I ended up doing all of my learning from the textbook. I don't know why I kept watching the prerecorded videos for the whole quarter.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A+
Aug. 21, 2020

I really think Waung is one of the best physics professors for the 5 series. He's incredibly clear about the material during lectures, and his practice tests are a very good indicator of how to study for exams. I found his teaching method very easy to understand and follow and genuinely felt like I learned a lot in his class. Instead of slides, he writes notes on a blackboard and does practice problems. He also provides note sheets for students to fill out.

Another really great thing (imo) is that Waung doesn't require students to use Mastering Physics for homework, he gives us homework problems from the book that we can fill out and upload to gradescope.

I recommend Waung as a professor. He is really approachable and a great teacher.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Summer 2020
Grade: A
Aug. 13, 2020

Hi Bruins!

Like many of the reviewers below, I took Physics 5C with Professor Waung in Summer Session A during the apocalypse. I've got to say... He's actually a really good professor! I enjoyed learning physics with him because he does a great job of interlacing physics with modern concepts.

His teaching style is very clear and concise. I don't think I have ever went to his office hours (and discussion LOL) because that's how clear his teaching is. He does a great job of breaking down problems step by step and creating over-arching themes with other physics material.

His grading scheme may scare you because I think the cut-off for an A was a 94-95%, but his exam and homework problems are really not that hard. There are some tricky questions sprinkled throughout the course, but they are all just simply based off of the problems he goes over in the lecture videos.

In addition, other than labs (which I think is the most tedious and annoying part of physics because they truly suck the life outta you and take so darn long to complete), you don't really have to attend his lectures, because he just posts videos on ccle for the week and you can simply binge watch through them at 2x the speed!!!!

Don't get your hopes up though because you do have to study and watch his lectures in its entirety. While this class may simply be a breeze (which it was to some people), it does take effort to understand what he's going on about. So yeah study y'all (bc lowkey there is nothing else to do in this pandemic)!!!!


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2 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 17 Users
Easiness 2.9 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 2.9 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.8 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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