Shervin Moloudi
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2019 - This class was hard. I remember how fucked I felt seeing the 1st homework after not taking circuits for more than a year. The homeworks were challenging and many of the questions came from a very ancient textbook. The midterm was fair and used the concepts covered in lecture and the homework. However, the final was hard, which sucks since it's 55% of the grade. It covers roughly everything, albeit more emphasized with the newer material after the midterm (even though he said it wasn't lol). Make sure you attend his 8am lectures. He is a great lecturer, but often times I get lost in the sauce and end up losing him halfway through (would be nice if it was Bruincasted). Even the smallest things he covers will end up being useful in the exams and homework. So take those notes seriously!!! I went to his office hours a few times, but it was always so damn crowded. Utilize your TA's office hours, especially for the homeworks. They are less crowded and TAs are more sympathetic to your situation haha. Lastly, apparently he doesn't curve. And if he does, it is not a lot. So take this class as if you were being graded on an absolute scale. You can probably tell from the other reviews in his other classes that he is not the most generous grader. Good luck to any upcoming students taking him for circuits. It's gonna be a really stressful 10 weeks of nonstop studying, homework, and studying. And did I mention homework?
Spring 2019 - This class was hard. I remember how fucked I felt seeing the 1st homework after not taking circuits for more than a year. The homeworks were challenging and many of the questions came from a very ancient textbook. The midterm was fair and used the concepts covered in lecture and the homework. However, the final was hard, which sucks since it's 55% of the grade. It covers roughly everything, albeit more emphasized with the newer material after the midterm (even though he said it wasn't lol). Make sure you attend his 8am lectures. He is a great lecturer, but often times I get lost in the sauce and end up losing him halfway through (would be nice if it was Bruincasted). Even the smallest things he covers will end up being useful in the exams and homework. So take those notes seriously!!! I went to his office hours a few times, but it was always so damn crowded. Utilize your TA's office hours, especially for the homeworks. They are less crowded and TAs are more sympathetic to your situation haha. Lastly, apparently he doesn't curve. And if he does, it is not a lot. So take this class as if you were being graded on an absolute scale. You can probably tell from the other reviews in his other classes that he is not the most generous grader. Good luck to any upcoming students taking him for circuits. It's gonna be a really stressful 10 weeks of nonstop studying, homework, and studying. And did I mention homework?
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2020 - Pretty great. The class is always at 8AM so its a bit painful but Prof. Moloudi emphasizes alot of intuition and uses metaphors for teaching. He doesn't give extremely computational tests. Midterm was a rehash of hw and lecture examples, and the final was trickier. His final is 55% and Midterm 35%. The HSPICE lecture has a quiz at the end.
Winter 2020 - Pretty great. The class is always at 8AM so its a bit painful but Prof. Moloudi emphasizes alot of intuition and uses metaphors for teaching. He doesn't give extremely computational tests. Midterm was a rehash of hw and lecture examples, and the final was trickier. His final is 55% and Midterm 35%. The HSPICE lecture has a quiz at the end.
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2020 - Note: Taken online (Covid). As a professor Moloudi is one of the better ones. Both in-person and online lectures are relatively engaging. He's very thorough and generally is pretty clear with explanations. Moloudi is very blunt, but not rude like Abidi can be. I had him in-person for 110H in winter, he does not post slides so it's very important to go to the lecture (which sucks since normally they are at 8AM). Exams are tough but fair.
Spring 2020 - Note: Taken online (Covid). As a professor Moloudi is one of the better ones. Both in-person and online lectures are relatively engaging. He's very thorough and generally is pretty clear with explanations. Moloudi is very blunt, but not rude like Abidi can be. I had him in-person for 110H in winter, he does not post slides so it's very important to go to the lecture (which sucks since normally they are at 8AM). Exams are tough but fair.