
Susanne Lohmann

Overall Ratings
Based on 120 Users
Easiness 2.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.6 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (120)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 6, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: NR

Not a "class" by any stretch of the imagination. No lectures, no way to contact Was/course readers, no way to interact with other students, office hours conducted via email...

This isn't a course-- this is a list of busy work for you to complete. Her syllabus is ridiculous and convoluted. The workload is absurd. Dropped after week 1. Not worth it at all. The grades clearly work out (after you slave for a quarter), but calling this an "education" or a "class" is absolutely criminal and a disgrace to Ucla political science.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 23, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

EASY A. This class is designed for your success. It is so simple to do well.
Grade Distribution: A+: 33
A: 8
A-: 5
B+: 7
B: 4
B-: 1
The actual work for this class is a bit tedious and annoying, but work is only required for 7 weeks. You can choose which prompts you want to write or skip a report as long as you write 7. If you do more than 7, your highest graded reports are the ones selected for your grade. Even if you do not do well on reports, you can still get an A. The professor offers so many bonus opportunities and many of them are for completion. ADDITIONALLY, the other half of the class is on a gaming platform. Some games give you points solely for completion, while others give points based on performance. The secret to success is play every game. Your performance will determine what percentile of the class you are in and that determines the grade boost at the end of the quarter. Everyone wins in the end! Take this class because the professor is the kindest professor I have had and the TAs are great too!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 21, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

This class is an easy A only if you put in the work. I COMPLETED EVERY GAME in the Gaming Platform and this is required for an A. Had I not done this, I would have ended with an A-. For the weekly papers you will have to write throughout the quarter, please do them in a group of 3. This is what I did and it made life so much easier. My group would split up the work for each paper as evenly as we could each week so I never had to spend too much time writing my assigned portion. Also, DO ALL THE EXTRA CREDIT Professor Lohmann provides. These EC opportunities are not at all time consuming, yet she still gives you about a week to complete them. If you do all this, this class will be a breeze and an A is guaranteed.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 24, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+

This class is fully online, and doesn't offer much in terms of substance. That said, definitely recommend for an easy A.
Get into a group for the weekly papers (they're way too much to do on your own.) I was in a group of strangers and it worked out great when everyone does their part. Play the weekly games on time and you're set.
If you want to actually learn something about poli sci this isn't the class for you, but if you want a GPA boost for your lower divs go for it.


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June 23, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

Completely asynchronous class. Workload was manageable with weekly 'games' and papers. Papers were 2-3 pages, but can do individually or as a group up to 3 people. (I recommend doing it as a group, really lessens the work load). If you are good at analyzing data, making tables, and writing about them - this class will be an easy A. There are course graders that grade the papers. Some grade harsh, while others grade easier, and often times it changes which grader you get that week. The first week may be intimidating, but after week 1, you'll quickly get the hang of things.
This class was definitely one of the easier political science classes I've taken.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 22, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: NR

Listen to me guys. I highly recommend you do not take this class despite the grade distribution having high scores. Just save your time/effort for another pol sci class because the amount of effort I put into this class was extremely unnecessary.

This class only consisted of three papers, one individual and two group papers, 3 pages + works cited page. It sounds fairly easy, but Lohamnn is EXTREMELY nitpicky. She will mark you down for lack of pdf format, page overruns, and even if your paper title is even slightly different from her format. For the actual paper content, she will nitpick at it so much that you'd practically have to rewrite all of it. Don't be fooled either, once you recreate your draft and think it's up to her standards based on the feedback she gave, she'll just nitpick at the new draft you gave. It's a never-ending cycle, and by the time you turn in your final draft, you're left anxious whether you fulfilled all of her previous requirements and hope she doesn't find any shortcomings from the new draft. If you do decide to take this course, it is imperative that you listen to her feedback for each paper since it is an honest reflection of how you will be graded. If you don't, it will significantly bring down your paper's grade.

As far as the seminar, it didn't tie into the class assignments whatsoever. No slides, no structure, nothing. She often goes on tangents that pertain to politics but not really the class. She would give us handouts here and there regarding pol sci topics but I don't see how it fits into the "International Relations" aspect of the class. In fact, nothing about this class pertained to IR. It felt more like a statistics class than anything. I didn't really learn anything, except for drafting paper after paper.

For each paper, you will write at least two drafts. which she will give EXTENSIVE feedback on. You'll also meet with her to discuss your paper. She's a lot more criticizing and brutal in her emails than she is when meeting her. But, that doesn't mean it wasn't any less demoralizing. Oftentimes, people's papers would be called terrible, awful, lame, or even a disaster. Take that as you will; if you're not good with harsh criticism, don't take it. If you are, then you should have no problem. One thing I will say is that Lohmann is (for the most part) easily accessible. She prefers an in-person class setting, but will gladly set up a Zoom meeting for office hours or to go over any class assignments. She also responds to emails quite promptly. If she misses your email regarding an assignment, she will accommodate the situation by granting an extension. She doesn't record lectures (covid time), but based off of its irrelevancy, it won't harm you.

Lohmann gives extra credit, but most of it's by chance. If there is any redemption in the amount of work you put into the class, the extra credit would be it. We used a gaming platform where we played a lot of logic/chance games. The people with the highest number of points will get a grade boost, I'm not too sure how the people with the least will get points. But this shows that your grade will have some hope if you totally tanked a paper. Other examples of extra credit opportunities are filling out surveys, peer-grading the first paper, and doing the course evaluations at the end of the quarter. It can significantly help your grade.

I will say that despite her class, Lohmann as a person is a very sweet lady. She cares about her students and will take the time out to review your papers and discuss any current events. The only downfall was how unreasonably picky Lohmann is for grading papers. Even though the total workload isn't a lot, it takes a toll on your time since you are constantly having to figure out what small details would be penalized. It can help your writing and revising skills, but probably not much besides that. If you want an IR class, wait until the spring quarter since the same class is offered again with a different professor. For any reason that you do need to take this class, listen to my advice:
1. Start brainstorming your paper topics the moment she posts the prompts. It's better to consult her about your topic WAY before you start writing about it.
2. Make sure to complete every single game on the gaming platform. Set a reminder on your calendar to do them before the due date.
3. For the two group papers, choose your partner(s) wisely. Find someone who is willing to put just as much effort and time into their part as you.
4. Take every extra credit and consultation opportunity.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 4, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A

WHERE DO I EVEN START! The vaguest professor on campus and grades and an unheard-of scale. The class seems easy as there are three or four essays but she grades it so tough!! She gives horrible feedback and expects everything to be elementary school writing. I can't even right now. She rambles on in class about the most pointless topics that do not relate to the course material or the essays. WOULD NOT take this class again! The reviews do not do this justice. I have got straight A's for almost the past two years in a row and she may be on the way to crushing this my senior year... She also has no accommodations for people with CAE which happened to one of my friends and she had to drop the class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 4, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A

first of all, i wouldn't recommend this class at all. she is not only vague but extremely picky. she creates her own grading scale which can really screw you over if she decides she doesn't like something about your paper. the class is seemingly easy because she is so lax about the prompt but that is where she gets you. she wants you to be as basic as possible while also maintaining that would be featured in a well-respected scientific journal. her feedback doesn't make sense and she's unnecessarily brutal and confusing.

none of her lectures actually related to the course material. often times she just rambles while occasionally stopping for questions. she very often runs out of time during lecture (never really mentioning papers during class) and just talks with no end in sight.

the gaming platform that she does make us use is similar to ps 115 but it has literally nothing to do with this class but she still forces us to use it. it doesn't make sense for an IR class and it doesn't make sense for a writing class.

this advertised as an "IR" class but this is just a data analysis class. this has nothing to do with international relations (except mentioning a few aspects during lecture). she has handouts but rarely does it make sense and it doens't even pertain to anything.

please do yourself a favor and don't take this class.


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June 5, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A

Insane workload. Impossible to complete projects without joining a group. "Graders" are also super picky and like to knock off points for the littlest things like paragraph indentation. Most students will likely get an A in the class due to extra credit opportunities. If you aren't able to enroll in the class, email the professor for a PTE code. She's also super lenient with extensions.


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June 21, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

By the 3rd week, I was an expert on making charts/tables in excel. Not difficult at all. Every week, there are papers to write ranging from 1 to 3 pages. Most of it is your interpretation of the data you will write about. Not even graded on accuracy because as long as you are gathering facts from the data you can interpret it any way you choose. It is not at all as hard as it may appear. Get in a group of three and you'll end up writing 1 page at the most. Fun class and you will learn a lot. Don't let the prompt overwhelm you. Also, Lohmann gives several (5) opportunities to write another paper if you want a lower grade replacement. There are also extra credit tasks (6-8) of them if you want to improve your grade. The games you play also improve your grade. Then there are the graders… if you happen to get a harsh grader, it's okay because she accounts for this at the end of the term as well. If you do end up in a group, you may have different graders and this is a good thing. Overall, The class seems very very very overwhelming the first week but don't drop it until you make it to the second week. It gets better. Based on email communication from her, she always kept the class informed on the next steps and reminders. Take this class with Prof. Lohmann.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: NR
April 6, 2021

Not a "class" by any stretch of the imagination. No lectures, no way to contact Was/course readers, no way to interact with other students, office hours conducted via email...

This isn't a course-- this is a list of busy work for you to complete. Her syllabus is ridiculous and convoluted. The workload is absurd. Dropped after week 1. Not worth it at all. The grades clearly work out (after you slave for a quarter), but calling this an "education" or a "class" is absolutely criminal and a disgrace to Ucla political science.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 23, 2020

EASY A. This class is designed for your success. It is so simple to do well.
Grade Distribution: A+: 33
A: 8
A-: 5
B+: 7
B: 4
B-: 1
The actual work for this class is a bit tedious and annoying, but work is only required for 7 weeks. You can choose which prompts you want to write or skip a report as long as you write 7. If you do more than 7, your highest graded reports are the ones selected for your grade. Even if you do not do well on reports, you can still get an A. The professor offers so many bonus opportunities and many of them are for completion. ADDITIONALLY, the other half of the class is on a gaming platform. Some games give you points solely for completion, while others give points based on performance. The secret to success is play every game. Your performance will determine what percentile of the class you are in and that determines the grade boost at the end of the quarter. Everyone wins in the end! Take this class because the professor is the kindest professor I have had and the TAs are great too!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
June 21, 2021

This class is an easy A only if you put in the work. I COMPLETED EVERY GAME in the Gaming Platform and this is required for an A. Had I not done this, I would have ended with an A-. For the weekly papers you will have to write throughout the quarter, please do them in a group of 3. This is what I did and it made life so much easier. My group would split up the work for each paper as evenly as we could each week so I never had to spend too much time writing my assigned portion. Also, DO ALL THE EXTRA CREDIT Professor Lohmann provides. These EC opportunities are not at all time consuming, yet she still gives you about a week to complete them. If you do all this, this class will be a breeze and an A is guaranteed.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: A+
June 24, 2021

This class is fully online, and doesn't offer much in terms of substance. That said, definitely recommend for an easy A.
Get into a group for the weekly papers (they're way too much to do on your own.) I was in a group of strangers and it worked out great when everyone does their part. Play the weekly games on time and you're set.
If you want to actually learn something about poli sci this isn't the class for you, but if you want a GPA boost for your lower divs go for it.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
June 23, 2022

Completely asynchronous class. Workload was manageable with weekly 'games' and papers. Papers were 2-3 pages, but can do individually or as a group up to 3 people. (I recommend doing it as a group, really lessens the work load). If you are good at analyzing data, making tables, and writing about them - this class will be an easy A. There are course graders that grade the papers. Some grade harsh, while others grade easier, and often times it changes which grader you get that week. The first week may be intimidating, but after week 1, you'll quickly get the hang of things.
This class was definitely one of the easier political science classes I've taken.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: NR
Feb. 22, 2022

Listen to me guys. I highly recommend you do not take this class despite the grade distribution having high scores. Just save your time/effort for another pol sci class because the amount of effort I put into this class was extremely unnecessary.

This class only consisted of three papers, one individual and two group papers, 3 pages + works cited page. It sounds fairly easy, but Lohamnn is EXTREMELY nitpicky. She will mark you down for lack of pdf format, page overruns, and even if your paper title is even slightly different from her format. For the actual paper content, she will nitpick at it so much that you'd practically have to rewrite all of it. Don't be fooled either, once you recreate your draft and think it's up to her standards based on the feedback she gave, she'll just nitpick at the new draft you gave. It's a never-ending cycle, and by the time you turn in your final draft, you're left anxious whether you fulfilled all of her previous requirements and hope she doesn't find any shortcomings from the new draft. If you do decide to take this course, it is imperative that you listen to her feedback for each paper since it is an honest reflection of how you will be graded. If you don't, it will significantly bring down your paper's grade.

As far as the seminar, it didn't tie into the class assignments whatsoever. No slides, no structure, nothing. She often goes on tangents that pertain to politics but not really the class. She would give us handouts here and there regarding pol sci topics but I don't see how it fits into the "International Relations" aspect of the class. In fact, nothing about this class pertained to IR. It felt more like a statistics class than anything. I didn't really learn anything, except for drafting paper after paper.

For each paper, you will write at least two drafts. which she will give EXTENSIVE feedback on. You'll also meet with her to discuss your paper. She's a lot more criticizing and brutal in her emails than she is when meeting her. But, that doesn't mean it wasn't any less demoralizing. Oftentimes, people's papers would be called terrible, awful, lame, or even a disaster. Take that as you will; if you're not good with harsh criticism, don't take it. If you are, then you should have no problem. One thing I will say is that Lohmann is (for the most part) easily accessible. She prefers an in-person class setting, but will gladly set up a Zoom meeting for office hours or to go over any class assignments. She also responds to emails quite promptly. If she misses your email regarding an assignment, she will accommodate the situation by granting an extension. She doesn't record lectures (covid time), but based off of its irrelevancy, it won't harm you.

Lohmann gives extra credit, but most of it's by chance. If there is any redemption in the amount of work you put into the class, the extra credit would be it. We used a gaming platform where we played a lot of logic/chance games. The people with the highest number of points will get a grade boost, I'm not too sure how the people with the least will get points. But this shows that your grade will have some hope if you totally tanked a paper. Other examples of extra credit opportunities are filling out surveys, peer-grading the first paper, and doing the course evaluations at the end of the quarter. It can significantly help your grade.

I will say that despite her class, Lohmann as a person is a very sweet lady. She cares about her students and will take the time out to review your papers and discuss any current events. The only downfall was how unreasonably picky Lohmann is for grading papers. Even though the total workload isn't a lot, it takes a toll on your time since you are constantly having to figure out what small details would be penalized. It can help your writing and revising skills, but probably not much besides that. If you want an IR class, wait until the spring quarter since the same class is offered again with a different professor. For any reason that you do need to take this class, listen to my advice:
1. Start brainstorming your paper topics the moment she posts the prompts. It's better to consult her about your topic WAY before you start writing about it.
2. Make sure to complete every single game on the gaming platform. Set a reminder on your calendar to do them before the due date.
3. For the two group papers, choose your partner(s) wisely. Find someone who is willing to put just as much effort and time into their part as you.
4. Take every extra credit and consultation opportunity.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 4, 2022

WHERE DO I EVEN START! The vaguest professor on campus and grades and an unheard-of scale. The class seems easy as there are three or four essays but she grades it so tough!! She gives horrible feedback and expects everything to be elementary school writing. I can't even right now. She rambles on in class about the most pointless topics that do not relate to the course material or the essays. WOULD NOT take this class again! The reviews do not do this justice. I have got straight A's for almost the past two years in a row and she may be on the way to crushing this my senior year... She also has no accommodations for people with CAE which happened to one of my friends and she had to drop the class.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
March 4, 2022

first of all, i wouldn't recommend this class at all. she is not only vague but extremely picky. she creates her own grading scale which can really screw you over if she decides she doesn't like something about your paper. the class is seemingly easy because she is so lax about the prompt but that is where she gets you. she wants you to be as basic as possible while also maintaining that would be featured in a well-respected scientific journal. her feedback doesn't make sense and she's unnecessarily brutal and confusing.

none of her lectures actually related to the course material. often times she just rambles while occasionally stopping for questions. she very often runs out of time during lecture (never really mentioning papers during class) and just talks with no end in sight.

the gaming platform that she does make us use is similar to ps 115 but it has literally nothing to do with this class but she still forces us to use it. it doesn't make sense for an IR class and it doesn't make sense for a writing class.

this advertised as an "IR" class but this is just a data analysis class. this has nothing to do with international relations (except mentioning a few aspects during lecture). she has handouts but rarely does it make sense and it doens't even pertain to anything.

please do yourself a favor and don't take this class.


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Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A
June 5, 2023

Insane workload. Impossible to complete projects without joining a group. "Graders" are also super picky and like to knock off points for the littlest things like paragraph indentation. Most students will likely get an A in the class due to extra credit opportunities. If you aren't able to enroll in the class, email the professor for a PTE code. She's also super lenient with extensions.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
June 21, 2022

By the 3rd week, I was an expert on making charts/tables in excel. Not difficult at all. Every week, there are papers to write ranging from 1 to 3 pages. Most of it is your interpretation of the data you will write about. Not even graded on accuracy because as long as you are gathering facts from the data you can interpret it any way you choose. It is not at all as hard as it may appear. Get in a group of three and you'll end up writing 1 page at the most. Fun class and you will learn a lot. Don't let the prompt overwhelm you. Also, Lohmann gives several (5) opportunities to write another paper if you want a lower grade replacement. There are also extra credit tasks (6-8) of them if you want to improve your grade. The games you play also improve your grade. Then there are the graders… if you happen to get a harsh grader, it's okay because she accounts for this at the end of the term as well. If you do end up in a group, you may have different graders and this is a good thing. Overall, The class seems very very very overwhelming the first week but don't drop it until you make it to the second week. It gets better. Based on email communication from her, she always kept the class informed on the next steps and reminders. Take this class with Prof. Lohmann.


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