Thu-huong Nguyen-vo
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2018 - If you do all the readings there is kind of a lot, but the professor doesn't test you. The readings are just there for you to write your essays. I did ok on the in class essay and well on the final paper (not in class) as well as on the project. The subject is interesting most of the time. She holds office hours before the paper is due to give everyone feedback which is nice. Overall, a the professor is pretty fair, but the grade breakdown only rests on like 3 assignments lol so could be risky (I would recommend viewing the films as well. It helps you come up with something to write)
Fall 2018 - If you do all the readings there is kind of a lot, but the professor doesn't test you. The readings are just there for you to write your essays. I did ok on the in class essay and well on the final paper (not in class) as well as on the project. The subject is interesting most of the time. She holds office hours before the paper is due to give everyone feedback which is nice. Overall, a the professor is pretty fair, but the grade breakdown only rests on like 3 assignments lol so could be risky (I would recommend viewing the films as well. It helps you come up with something to write)
Most Helpful Review
Nguyen-Vo is one of the best professors at UCLA. I definitely found taking her Asian-Am 134 class valuable and rewarding. I came to UCLA wanting to learn and develop my critical thinking skills, and she has been the best professor so far to have challenged me to grow more as a student and as a person. The reading material can get challenging, so if you really want to learn and digest the material, you've got to spend time with it and ask questions. The professor is helpful and wants students to ask questions and engage in discussion. I always looked forward going to her class because I knew I would learn something new, whether from her or from another student through class discussion. From the posts below, I agree that she is one of the most intelligent professors I've had. She's deep, honest, and inspiring. Put in the work, and what you gain is invaluable.
Nguyen-Vo is one of the best professors at UCLA. I definitely found taking her Asian-Am 134 class valuable and rewarding. I came to UCLA wanting to learn and develop my critical thinking skills, and she has been the best professor so far to have challenged me to grow more as a student and as a person. The reading material can get challenging, so if you really want to learn and digest the material, you've got to spend time with it and ask questions. The professor is helpful and wants students to ask questions and engage in discussion. I always looked forward going to her class because I knew I would learn something new, whether from her or from another student through class discussion. From the posts below, I agree that she is one of the most intelligent professors I've had. She's deep, honest, and inspiring. Put in the work, and what you gain is invaluable.