507 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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Reviews (98)

5 of 10
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Jan. 28, 2014

Lived here with three other girls for 2 wonderful years and loved it! The units are fantastic very spacious And they are huge with lots of closet space! Although we haven't had any major issues like the other reviewer mentions. The manager is pretty good though and he's quick to answer any issues.

This is a great place to live: close to everything, parking, clean, quiet and friendly. We have referred several friends who are also happy they chose this building


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Jan. 28, 2014

This complex has nice grounds and fairly large apartments with a small but clean jacuzzi on the roof and nice management.

I am very happy living here. Whenever I have maintenance issues, I just drop a note off in the manager's office and within a couple of hours, a handyman is here to rectify the problem.

Many of the students in the building are long-term residents. I don't hear many loud parties - only on occasional "large gatherings" but I think that's to be expected in an apartment situation. The nice things about Glenrock, the walls are thick and you can't hear your neighbors.

I also love the large balcony with pretty views and it's so close to campus.


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Jan. 28, 2014

- Well located,I love the rooftop views especially during the summer time
- Spacious floor plans
- Really nice management
- Well run building


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Sept. 11, 2013


I love UCLA, and every person who goes to this fucking awesome school. I've lived in other apartments before. But never have I ever lived in such a vile place.

First off, let me say that the manager of this building, Ron went to UCLA. I'm sure he's well aware of this website, and the fact that he can submit multiple reviews about his own "quality" service.

That said, the below reviews you read that do not absolutely shit on the piss-poor quality of this building have probably been personally written by Ron himself, encouraged by his incorrigible management team. Anything praising his "professionalism" will simply lure you into making the worst decision in your time at UCLA; moving into 507 Glenrock.

Let me first start with the experience of being shown the place. We were literally down to the bottom of the barrel in even considering this place. He began showing us the place by barging into the apartment in the late afternoon, when all we suggested was a tour the next day; he clearly didn't give a shit about bursting in on a room full of half-naked dudes chilling in the space and privacy that they PAID for. We saw a cockroach trailing through the kitchen like it owned the place, as the guys in the apartment quietly mouthed that this place "sucked dick." After that he took us to the rooftop, where he performed the following charade that I will highlight it below so you understand how pathetic this ploy is, and you see through it;

ONCE HE TAKES YOU TO THE ROOFTOP, once the tour is over, he will ask you on the spot if you will take the apartment or not. He'll show you the hot tub, and the view; they are nice, but don't be deceived or rushed into the decision if you are truly desperate for a place to live.

HE WILL PRETEND LIKE THERE ARE OTHER POTENTIAL TENANTS DOWNSTAIRS, pretend that he has them on the phone and that he is ready to offer them the apartment should you turn down his offer. Please turn it down, walk away, and spare yourself a significant source of stress in your life.

If you have already accepted his offer, I'm sorry. I can only give you guidance from this point on how best to sift through his bullshit and understand how he will attempt to work you. He'll take you downstairs into the sketchy-ass studio where he will offer you a 32-inch plasma screen TV that doesn't work instead of a parking space. If you've ever tried to find parking in Westwood, you'll know how fucking clueless they all must be to even dream of trading a parking space for a TV...least of all for a fucking 32-inch.

So here's where he'll get you to sign the lease, on the spot. Don't do it. Take that thing home, make copies of that exact document, and tell him you're not signing anything but the paper you just made a copy of. Because he will pull off dirty tricks to beguile you into thinking you actually signed a lease with variable rates for rent. They'll want the first and last month's rent on the spot, along with the security deposit.

If you've never lived in an apartment before, this is quite possibly the dirtiest and most greedy tactic I've ever seen. For 6 people splitting rent at $4200, that's $700 per person. Even if you're North-Campus, that's fucking $2100 you have to blow per person, just to sign the damn lease;



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April 17, 2013

I start my review of 507 Glenrock with the following note: nothing that I say will be false. Nothing that I say will be hyperbolized. I am not trying to paint a nightmarish picture of what 507 Glenrock is, but am merely stating the facts. I don’t care if you choose to live here or not—that choice is up to you. But before you decide to commit yourself to such a thing, know the following:
I am currently writing this review because the Internet in this apartment has shorted out for the 4th time today and I cannot get online in order to do my homework. So I opened up Microsoft Word and am going to kill some time writing this review and hope that the Internet goes back up by the time I’m finished.
This apartment is overpriced. The doors and appliances are all worn down or broken. The management of this apartment is both unprofessional and unhelpful. We have roach problems. This apartment is crappy in most of the ways that an apartment could potentially be crappy.
So let’s begin with the price. I am currently living in a triple in a 3 bedroom. We have 7 people living in this tiny place. 2/2/3 is how we’ve split up the rooms and we’re all paying $600+ for this set up (Before utilities). This is a horrible deal. Next year I’m going to be moving to Kelton Towers and will be paying $550 for a double in a 2 bedroom apartment. A much better deal. And many apartments will both be cheaper and more spacious than this one. It isn’t that hard to find one.
But the price is only a small contribution to what makes this apartment such a terrible place to live in. I have countless stories about how the management has been largely unhelpful or even an impediment to peacefully living in a slightly cramped, slightly crowded apartment. The manager is hugely incompetent and has lost one of my roommate’s check for rent on two occasions. Twice he has lost my roommate’s monthly rent. And both times he simply accused my roommate of not getting the check to him on time. The management has also made similar accusations to other people in my apartment only to be told and shown that Glenrock has, in fact, already cashed in the checks that were supposedly “missing”. Everything involving money with the management lacks any kind of organization, is met with adversarial resistance, and is generally incredibly unprofessional. Once I submitted a cash payment and in place of any sort of professional receipt, I saw the manager type up “I HAVE RECEIVED A PAYMENT OF $XXX.XX FOR ____” on Microsoft Word, print it out, sign it, and give it to me. In what universe is this acceptable practice for a professional apartment manager?
There is also a clause in the lease that states that the management can show your room to potential tenants at any given time provided that they give you a 24 hour notice. That means that all throughout the school year (Including finals week because that’s no exception) the manager will be knocking on your door and showing tenants around your apartment. It doesn’t matter if people are sleeping. It doesn’t matter if people are studying. It’s in the contract that you sign and the management shows no sense of sympathy for its tenants’ privacy or even its tenants’ health and well-being.
Those aspects of the management, in addition to the constant Internet shortages, are what I think are the largest factors in making 507 Glenrock an overall terrible place to stay, but there are way more stories about the management and apartment that I want to tell you so that you get a good idea of the place you’ll be getting yourself into:
Our balcony overhangs the parking spaces in the upper garage. The tenants above us routinely throw parties and yack over the balcony onto the cars below. One of my apartment mate’s has had his car yacked on multiple times. When we confronted the management about this, we essentially had to drag him up to the 4th floor in order to get reimbursed for the carwash required to wipe the vomit off of my friend’s car.
Our sliding glass door had been broken ever since the first day we moved in. We’ve constantly asked the management to replace it as it was exceedingly difficult to open (The wheels were gone so to open the door you had to basically lift it up and push the huge pane of glass. It made a horrible noise), but he did nothing to fix it. He said “We’re working on it”, but nothing changed. Our door eventually got fixed only when the manager was giving a tour of our room and was unable to open the door himself. The door was fixed the very next day.
Our toilet doesn’t properly flush. It has been like this since the beginning of the year. We have told the management every month since the beginning of the year. It has yet to have been checked out. It has yet to have been fixed. Last I heard from the manager: “We’re working on it”.
Two burners on our stove do not work and have not worked since the beginning of the year. “We’re working on it”.
The lint collector in our dryer has worn down and periodically falls out during dryer cycles. “We’re working on it”.
Just a few days ago the basement flooded.
Some of the ceiling panels in our apartment have fallen off.
The doors aren’t the proper size for their corresponding doorways.
The apartment ceilings are slightly drooped and slanted.
The fire alarm on our floor has no handle.
The Internet is still down.
Please do not live here. If you do, don’t be surprised that you have literally signed up to live in the worst apartment in all of Los Angeles. Thank you and good evening.

(Also note all of the generic, positive reviews posted on 02/08/2013. I have talked to other tenants in this apartment and not a single one has been satisfied with their experience here. These are obviously reviews that have been planted by the management itself in order to boost up their ratings on this site. Do not believe the stats for this apartment. It is horrible.)


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April 3, 2013

Great building , free Internet cable wifi , very spacious rooms , huge living room had absolutely no problems, Ron the building manager was great. Very nice helpful


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Feb. 11, 2013

I have been living here for about 5 months and would say that my experience has been very positive. The manager Ron and the maintenance guys are contributing to our comfort at Glenrock. With their caring and respectful service this place feels special and cozy.


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Feb. 11, 2013

I've lived here since 2010. This was one of my top places I've checked out and I love the sound insulation in the place.

Hardly ever hear your neighbors and it's relatively quiet compared to the last place i lived. There's a spa and its kept very clean.

The manager is very nice and the maintenance folks are great. The place is always clean and zen-like. Gated Parking is available.


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Feb. 11, 2013

In fact if my girlfriend and I had any real complaint it would be the other tenants throwing parties even though its against building rules. But this is an all student building so things like this will happen its a little irritating. Still, a small price to pay.


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Feb. 11, 2013

We have a two bedroom, that we share with 3 other friends. We almost never hear our neighbors and for some strange reason we've had quite a few on either side of us. Our unit is near the front of the building and occasionally you do get a loud car revving its engine during the day, but its nothing serious.


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Overall Rating
Based on 98 Users
Noise Level 1.1 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 2.6 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.4 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


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