516 Glenrock Ave.

Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash



2 bed
2 bath

Monthly Rent: $900 - $900

Reviews (123)

12 of 13
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Nov. 14, 2015

Well whats confusing is the place in the pic is the apartment across the street and so im sure some reviews are about that apartment but mine is for: 516 glenrock avenue.....
This place was chill. I would have given it a A+ for chill and the amount of space you get but the manager, Eddie asked me for an increased deposit of $500 then stole it when I found out my other roommates already paid him a full one on sign up. I guess a few people lease this building so just go with the other dude or the chick and youll be fine. but not EDDIE. Also he took away my parking spot. After I moved in I was happy though with the overall apt. and close to class.


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Feb. 21, 2013

The outside its kind of run down but the lobby is really nice. They have laminate hardwood floors and the kitchen has relatively new appliances. The kitchen is tiny! One bedroom is decent sized but the other is kind of small. The living space is not that spacious. However, we do have an AMAZING view of UCLA.

The biggest problem however is the landlord. He is a really nice guy but unless you have an urgent issue that cannot wait, he doesn't fix anything. Our screen has been broken since we moved in in September!!

The other problem is the mold in the bathrooms. There is black mold/mildew (I'm not sure which) that shows up no matter how hard you try to clean it. I it is in the tracks that the shower doors move on and when we requested that the doors be replaced, the landlord said that they were custom and therefore too expensive to replace.

In the beginning of the year there was also a termite problem.

If you don't mind having to wait on things getting done and want a really good price on an apartment, this is the place for you. If you are looking for a landlord who fixes things quick and a place that is pretty clean, dont live here.


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July 30, 2010

Sadly, I didn't read these reviews before my roommates and I signed up for this apartment at 516 Glenrock ($2600 hardwood 2 BDRM/2 BATH). Here's a quick PRO/CON list:

- Spacious (good living room, good bedrooms esp. considering the price)
- Manager Moe is really friendly and understanding (cool with parties, as long as they're not raging mayhems)
- Short distance to UCLA campus (15 minutes door-to-door to Boelter)
- Cheap rent includes WATER & 2 Parking spaces

- This place is ancient. 1980's stove, microwave still in the units
- Although he takes your requests in, management doesn't act on them (although I'd say many apartments are like this)
- Not the cleanest of complexes (the place itself is kinda worndown and not pleasing)
- ROACHES!! ROACHES!! ROACHES!! (No cheap price is worth this hell)

I honestly wish I had read these reviews before signing up. I've lived for ONE week, and I'm ready to move out. I've seen more cockroaches in this past week than the rest of my whole life. My roommate and I haved laced our unit with roachkiller, the exterminators have come, and I still see 2-4 every day. Let me paint you a picture: imagine worrying whether or not you'll find a buggy surprise when you walk into your bathroom, your bedroom, AND your kitchen EVERY SINGLE time you enter EVERY SINGLE DAY/NIGHT. Sound fun? Then imagine when you're going to sleep. Shudders. Don't make the same mistake as every one else who's posted here. But just to be fair, NOT every unit has roaches. If you plan on living here, please do ask the current tenant(s) of your potential unit if they have issues. Sadly, I believe my unit was unoccupied the year before we moved in. It's a risk, a big one at that. I really believe I would've enjoyed living here, but the roach issue is probably the worst thing you can encounter with apartment life. I hope this helps, and good luck.


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Jan. 5, 2010

avoid this place at all cost! horrible management. bedbugs in half of the building. took almost all out our deposit for every little thing including clogged pipes, garbage disposal, other repairs that were due to normal wear and tear or past damage from previous tenants. they discriminate against students, only nice to the jewish families that live there. btw, their kids could often be heard crying - very annoying. this also means you'll never be able to have a party cuz they call the cops right away and then management fines you. carpets are disgusting, heater/AC didn't work, microwave broke down and wouldn't replace it. i heard they remodeled some units and lowered the price, but whatever they've done, dont fall for it. its not worth it.


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Sept. 7, 2009

STAY THE F&8K AWAY!! please, for your own good---this place was an absolute nightmare. The landlords are rude and refuse to fix anything that goes wrong even if it's b/c the place is old and falling apart. The roaches. Oh my god, the roaches...disgusting. I couldn't even go into the kitchen at night they were so bad--and every person I talked to in the apartment had them in their complex. Worst place ever.


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Sept. 6, 2009

The picture above is the picture of the building across the street from our building, so don't be misinformed and end up living in our place because you'll be living in Hell I promise you. I feel so sorry for new victims moving in. Yes, victims is an appropriate word to use because if you move in here you will be victims of many things.

1. This building is ancient. Don't be fooled by the nice tile, hardwood floors, new paint or lobby that is 100 times nicer than your apartment will ever be. All these are a disguise. Every floor has its own problem: 4th floor has rats, bed bugs, fleas. 3rd floor has cockroaches, mice, termites. 2nd floor has cockroaches, termites. 1st floor surprisingly only has cockroaches. I'm sure it's getting worse as I type this review.

2. The landlord is not responsible for anything. You are responsible for anything and everything - that includes the $240 dollars you will have to pay to Thrifty Router to temporarily drain your sink, and the stuff that randomly comes up and floods your tub once in a while. It would cost another $600 to replace your piece of crap garbage disposal that never worked to begin with, but of course we didn't pay because tenants shouldn't have to pay for plumbing problems or anything that is a result of poor building maintenance. But of course, the horrible landlords will blame everything on you, refuse to pay a dime or hire anyone to fix your problems, and simply bitch you out if you complain. If you go to the lady, she'll refer you to her husband who will scream at you.

2b. Oh, but if you're Jewish, this is a different story. The landlords are Jewish, so for those who share the same religion as them, you will be showered with homemade hummus on a weekly basis, invited to family vacations, given parking spots that suddenly became available, given the best apartments in the building (aka the least bugs), and Asher will name you "best tenant in 20 years." My friend who was lucky to have a Jewish roommate got the best treatment I have ever seen from these horrible landlords. If your apartment is as horrible as everyone else's, maybe you should convert and make nice.

3. A year ago when I moved in our building was full, but a year later when I was about to move out, more than half of the building was vacant. In fact, the landlords were so desperate for new tenants that they kept begging my friend to take this huge apartment on the 4th floor for $2000/month and she didn't take it because the current tenants told her specifically not to due to bedbugs and fleas. Plus I noticed people in my building were moving out 3 weeks before their lease even ended on Sept 1. We tried our best and moved out a week before our lease ended.

4. They decreased the rent from $2500-2800 all the way down to $2000 because the place is THAT bad. If they claim it's "the economy" don't be fooled. I'm sure homeless people see less cockroaches than I did.

5. Be careful of your security deposit. My friends who handed down their apartment to me were still coming back to the building a year later when I was moving out to hassle Asher and his wife for their security deposit back.

6. So even though the rent there is now dirt cheap, if you're tight on money, I'm sorry but this still isn't the place to go (you'll end up shelling out money to fix problems anyway, unless you want to shower/brush your teeth/wash dishes in sewage). Not only that, but because of the bugs, you'll be spending twice as much on food, eating out just to avoid cooking in your kitchen.

Go somewhere else, anywhere else. Please. Do yourself a favor. If my review sounds too exaggerated for you, then go ahead and sign a lease there. A year later you'll be wanting to write my exact words.


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June 3, 2009

Be excited for bedbugs, termites, and roaches. My apartment had some worm-like creatures in our dishwasher, and the apartment downstairs had maggots. It's like a zoo in here! Also, the exterior walkways are carpeted, which makes no sense why you would put carpet on an outdoor walkway... they are also at a slant, so it feels like you'll fall into the courtyard below! My view is very nice. That's about it.


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April 3, 2009

This place is really ridiculous. We had mold in our bathroom ceilings and the management was not of any help. The carpet was not even cleaned before we moved in and it was and still is very dirty. Vacuuming does not help at all. There were also many cases of having bugs and cockroaches in our apartment. I heard there were bed bugs in our neighbor's apartments!! The managers are one of the worst managers I have ever met. They are rude and unprofessional. I would not recommend this place to anyone who wants a livable apartment and managers who will actually deal with your apartment issues. Unless you are just looking for a cheap place to live and don't care about the conditions, then I recommend you look somewhere else.


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March 16, 2009

Bedbugs, roaches, and beetles, oh my! HUGE bedbug problem. We've had them since we moved in last summer. 9 months so far of getting bitten in our sleep. ROACHES GALORE! They'll take over your kitchen. Place is pretty small, but my unit has a great balcony. Rent is high for the quality of the building. The landlords are morons. Especially the woman who "is" the landlord when you sign your lease, but somehow "isn't" the landlord when you have a problem. Maintenance problems get fixed (sort of) in a timely fashion. Pool and spa are a plus...when they work and aren't green.

My advice: The bug problem differs from unit to unit so talk to the current residents of the unit you're planning on getting BEFORE you sign the lease. (I have a friend in the building with no bugs at all in her unit.)

A note for those of you who have never had bedbugs: Over 9 months, we have been sprayed 5 times and we still have bugs.
A "spraying" consists of:
-taking ALL of your clothing, bedding, pillows, towels, blankets, or anything made of cloth to a laundromat (because the landlords won't let you wash it all in the building) immediately so you don't recontaminate the unit
-moving all furniture 2'-3' from the walls
-completely emptying all closets and cabinets
-taking apart your bed and putting it up against the wall
-removing all outlet covers and switchplates
-vacating the place for 4 hours
-(if getting sprayed for roaches too)taking all dishes, silverware, food, etc. out of the kitchen cabinets and drawers


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March 16, 2009

1. That picture is not Chateau Le Grande. It is the apt complex across the street. if only i lived across the street.
2. the landlady is crazy and the landlord is even crazier. His name is Asher but goes by "Prosper"
3. the walls are super thin. there are fools in the complex who play rock band EVERY DAY and we can hear it. especially when they rock out at 1AM
4. beg bugs galore. do not live here
5. the manager told us that the washers and dryers don't work and that we should go to a laundromat
6. Chateau Le CRAP


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Overall Rating
Based on 124 Users
Noise Level 3.2 / 5 How noisy the apartment is with 1 being quiet 5 being very loud.
Upkeep and Cleanliness 3.1 / 5 How clean the apartment is with 1 being very dirty and 5 being very clean.
Landlord Communication 3.1 / 5 How responsive the landlord is with 1 being unresponsive and 5 being very responsive.
Spaciousness 3.8 / 5 How spacious the apartment is with 1 being very cramped and 5 being very spacious.


  • Water
  • Laundry
  • Parking
  • Furnishings
  • 5 min walk to campus
  • Trash

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