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Genevieve Carpio
Based on 20 Users
This is an easy GE, but it is very engaging and interesting. Professor Carpio does a great job planning lecture. Lectures are engaging for the most part, very organized, and easy to follow. There is a good amount of reading, but I almost never did the reading because we went over it in discussion and Professor Carpio would also talk about it in class. Your grade is based on 4 things: the midterm, a zine project, participation (going to discussions) and a final. The midterm was 2 parts: keywords and short answers. There was a lot to study for this but it was manageable and there wasn't harsh grading (I got a 98 and just studied the night before). The zine project was also very easy but did require some work and creativity, but again was graded pretty easy. (I'm not artistic at all and got a 100). I attended every discussion but probably talked a total of 4 times and still received a 100 for participation. Professor Carpio was very understanding of the coronavirus crisis at hand and made the final optional, so I did not take the final! I ended up with an A+ in the class and only put in work when there was something graded due! I also had Rachel as my TA and she is such a caring human! Take this class!
Prof. Carpio was awesome. Both the midterm and final were online papers in blog forms. Each student was assigned a reading to further engage and present to the class. The readings were actually very interesting and are very insightful. For Chican@ Studies majors, this class will be very eye-opening and help in realizing the digital divide that can be traced to race. Totally recommend 10/10!
I took Chicano 10A with Professor Carpio. Let me start by saying she is an AWESOME professor. This class is interesting for anybody that is interested in learning something about themselves. It is fairly straightforward and the discussions summarize the readings for you, so don't worry about falling behind.
There is one midterm in class and it is a series of small questions and one essay. There is a creative project that is fun to do and is not a heavy load of work at all. The final is a take home and is submitted through turn-it-in. It involves small and long essay questions.
The class is overall good and I would recommend it.
I took this professor for Chicano10A. I did not like this class. There are 4 books you need and the readings were long and boring. The class was especislly brutally long and boring. The professor talks so fast and goes through topics so fast that you can't get everything down. Sometimes i get lost and I don't know what she's talking about. She also uses unneccesarily difficult words sometimes. She doesn't even post her lecture slides. Also she has this thing where she tries to say no using cell phones. This is college. You're talking to a huge lecture hall. Another thing is thst she requires you to have a specific notebook for the class and she actually makes you take it out in class to answer questions. I found this inconvenient because I like to take my notes the way I want to and this id judt forcing me to buy a separate notebook just to take notes how she wants to. She only had the TA check if you did the questions for the last few questions she ever asks. The midterm is extremely hard. There was so many questions for so little time. You have to specifically define keywords and also do essay questions. The TAs supposedly give you a list of the keywords and question samples but theyre the same as on the exam. There is just too little time. You really have to rush. Also there is so much information to remember that it's very overwhelming. Discussion section is mandatory. Although I felt my section was completely useless. All we did was talk about our feelings basically. This did not help me succeed in the class. I expected us to talk more about our assigned readings and help us understand them but no. Youre on your own. Also you have to do weekly reading responses but thats fine. The final is a take-home. Youre given a week to finish two essays. I feel like that is too short of a time as well since we all have other finals to study for and do. We also had to do a creative project. However youre forced to make a "zine" magazine type thing. I thought this was a complete waste of time as well since we all have other classes to study for and other homework. This project was for art people to do art. I'm not an art person and this didn't help me understand the material better, so I didn't think this project was necessary. Anyway I'm glad I somehow finished the class and got an A. I really had to work hard for it. I dreaded going to class for 2 hrs. She didn't even give us a 10 min break in the middle. She tried to lecture all the way through. So boring. I do not recommend this class with this professor.
If you want an A+ do this and you'll be more than fine.
I took this class along with a math 3b and chem 14a for my very first quarter at UCLA. I spent most of my time in chem 14a. I am a science and math person, but this class was easy and fun for me. For the midterm, I got a 100%. To be honest, I didn't study extensively. I studied the day before and memorized key words and significance. Please take the time to actually find the significance. I wanted to do all the essay prompts (from midterm study guide), but I found it time consuming. I'm an advocate for studying smart not study for a long time. I brainstormed out loud for possible ideas and just repeated definitions. This was the day before. I had an awesome TA who was very sweet.
Throughout the weeks, I actually took the time to read and understand articles. Weeks 1-4 I did a good deep reading and took notes on things that I found interesting and valid points. Weeks 5-10, I've got to be honest, got a bit lazy and skimmed throughout the entire readings. I actually stopped reading weeks 7-10. Overall, do readings and take good notes (I got a bit carried away, :) and I'm not into majoring in north Campus majors).
Talk in discussion and even if you say 2 sentences, it's all good. Sit near the front to show interest and focus better. The final essay was so easy for me. I got 29/30. And I was left with 101% in the class. It's very achievable! You can definitely do it. Also, for essays, know the authors and good points they made and cite it. Give your arguments well in the essays.
Last thing, many people complained at how little time we had for the midterm, but I had just enough. IF you do the study guide and understand it and do exercises in lecture, you'll be set for the quarter fam. Write with passion and be creative. :)
You guys, there isnt a review for this course and therefore I had to write one. Please take this class it is so easy. Only 3 essays (5 pages long), one group project, and two extra credit assignments. You must attend class because attendance is taken and mini in class assignments are given but they are easy. A strict rubric is given for each essay which breaks down each section and says expcility what one must do to receive full credit. Skimming through readings and or taking notes in class is enough to pass with an A. I received an A+ in this course, simply by showing up and paying attention to core concepts. Long story short professor Carpio is super kind, understanding, and helpful! If you have a lot on your plate this class is the one that dosent give you much stress and moves at a slower pace. You learn great new concepts but also are not overwhelmed. If you are ever confused, reach out to her after class, everyone can easly pass this course with some effort.
When I first signed up for this class, I was not expecting to be so thrilled throughout the quarter about this class. Dr. Carpio is very engaging during lectures, open to discussion during her office hours, and meeting with her about Chicano/a/x related ideas even if you cannot make her office hours she was very available to find another time in her week to meet. The required textbooks are not too expensive (and can be found and used as e books) and can be engaging if you are into reading about Mexican American history. Due to the COVID 19, Week 10 and finals week was different; however, the midterm was divided into two parts, one was keywords (during discussion) that are put online since the beginning of the quarter and second was short answer responses (during lecture). The final would have been a take home exam and was 2-3 pages. There is also a zine that is due Week 9. 10/10 recommend this course and especially with Dr. Carpio.
I have no criticism for Professor Carpio! Although the readings are quite dense, the examinations and assignments are very easy and manageable.
Professor Carpio is one of the best professors at UCLA. I have never been interested in Chicano studies but now I want to pursue a minor. She is an engaging lecturer and you can see her passion when she is lecturing. Her tests are exactly like the study guide she gives out so make sure to do the essay examples from the study guide. She basically just rewords the study guide.
This class was the largest I have ever taken at UCLA, with about 550 students. Lectures were generally interesting, though could get extremely boring at times. Discussion sections were useless, but attendance at them was mandatory. Grade is dependent on midterm, final, participation, and a "zine" project where you have to create a little artsy booklet. Overall though, the class was incredibly easy and Carpio was very helpful in office hours. She definitely made me feel like she cared even though there were 500 others in the class.
This is an easy GE, but it is very engaging and interesting. Professor Carpio does a great job planning lecture. Lectures are engaging for the most part, very organized, and easy to follow. There is a good amount of reading, but I almost never did the reading because we went over it in discussion and Professor Carpio would also talk about it in class. Your grade is based on 4 things: the midterm, a zine project, participation (going to discussions) and a final. The midterm was 2 parts: keywords and short answers. There was a lot to study for this but it was manageable and there wasn't harsh grading (I got a 98 and just studied the night before). The zine project was also very easy but did require some work and creativity, but again was graded pretty easy. (I'm not artistic at all and got a 100). I attended every discussion but probably talked a total of 4 times and still received a 100 for participation. Professor Carpio was very understanding of the coronavirus crisis at hand and made the final optional, so I did not take the final! I ended up with an A+ in the class and only put in work when there was something graded due! I also had Rachel as my TA and she is such a caring human! Take this class!
Prof. Carpio was awesome. Both the midterm and final were online papers in blog forms. Each student was assigned a reading to further engage and present to the class. The readings were actually very interesting and are very insightful. For Chican@ Studies majors, this class will be very eye-opening and help in realizing the digital divide that can be traced to race. Totally recommend 10/10!
I took Chicano 10A with Professor Carpio. Let me start by saying she is an AWESOME professor. This class is interesting for anybody that is interested in learning something about themselves. It is fairly straightforward and the discussions summarize the readings for you, so don't worry about falling behind.
There is one midterm in class and it is a series of small questions and one essay. There is a creative project that is fun to do and is not a heavy load of work at all. The final is a take home and is submitted through turn-it-in. It involves small and long essay questions.
The class is overall good and I would recommend it.
I took this professor for Chicano10A. I did not like this class. There are 4 books you need and the readings were long and boring. The class was especislly brutally long and boring. The professor talks so fast and goes through topics so fast that you can't get everything down. Sometimes i get lost and I don't know what she's talking about. She also uses unneccesarily difficult words sometimes. She doesn't even post her lecture slides. Also she has this thing where she tries to say no using cell phones. This is college. You're talking to a huge lecture hall. Another thing is thst she requires you to have a specific notebook for the class and she actually makes you take it out in class to answer questions. I found this inconvenient because I like to take my notes the way I want to and this id judt forcing me to buy a separate notebook just to take notes how she wants to. She only had the TA check if you did the questions for the last few questions she ever asks. The midterm is extremely hard. There was so many questions for so little time. You have to specifically define keywords and also do essay questions. The TAs supposedly give you a list of the keywords and question samples but theyre the same as on the exam. There is just too little time. You really have to rush. Also there is so much information to remember that it's very overwhelming. Discussion section is mandatory. Although I felt my section was completely useless. All we did was talk about our feelings basically. This did not help me succeed in the class. I expected us to talk more about our assigned readings and help us understand them but no. Youre on your own. Also you have to do weekly reading responses but thats fine. The final is a take-home. Youre given a week to finish two essays. I feel like that is too short of a time as well since we all have other finals to study for and do. We also had to do a creative project. However youre forced to make a "zine" magazine type thing. I thought this was a complete waste of time as well since we all have other classes to study for and other homework. This project was for art people to do art. I'm not an art person and this didn't help me understand the material better, so I didn't think this project was necessary. Anyway I'm glad I somehow finished the class and got an A. I really had to work hard for it. I dreaded going to class for 2 hrs. She didn't even give us a 10 min break in the middle. She tried to lecture all the way through. So boring. I do not recommend this class with this professor.
If you want an A+ do this and you'll be more than fine.
I took this class along with a math 3b and chem 14a for my very first quarter at UCLA. I spent most of my time in chem 14a. I am a science and math person, but this class was easy and fun for me. For the midterm, I got a 100%. To be honest, I didn't study extensively. I studied the day before and memorized key words and significance. Please take the time to actually find the significance. I wanted to do all the essay prompts (from midterm study guide), but I found it time consuming. I'm an advocate for studying smart not study for a long time. I brainstormed out loud for possible ideas and just repeated definitions. This was the day before. I had an awesome TA who was very sweet.
Throughout the weeks, I actually took the time to read and understand articles. Weeks 1-4 I did a good deep reading and took notes on things that I found interesting and valid points. Weeks 5-10, I've got to be honest, got a bit lazy and skimmed throughout the entire readings. I actually stopped reading weeks 7-10. Overall, do readings and take good notes (I got a bit carried away, :) and I'm not into majoring in north Campus majors).
Talk in discussion and even if you say 2 sentences, it's all good. Sit near the front to show interest and focus better. The final essay was so easy for me. I got 29/30. And I was left with 101% in the class. It's very achievable! You can definitely do it. Also, for essays, know the authors and good points they made and cite it. Give your arguments well in the essays.
Last thing, many people complained at how little time we had for the midterm, but I had just enough. IF you do the study guide and understand it and do exercises in lecture, you'll be set for the quarter fam. Write with passion and be creative. :)
You guys, there isnt a review for this course and therefore I had to write one. Please take this class it is so easy. Only 3 essays (5 pages long), one group project, and two extra credit assignments. You must attend class because attendance is taken and mini in class assignments are given but they are easy. A strict rubric is given for each essay which breaks down each section and says expcility what one must do to receive full credit. Skimming through readings and or taking notes in class is enough to pass with an A. I received an A+ in this course, simply by showing up and paying attention to core concepts. Long story short professor Carpio is super kind, understanding, and helpful! If you have a lot on your plate this class is the one that dosent give you much stress and moves at a slower pace. You learn great new concepts but also are not overwhelmed. If you are ever confused, reach out to her after class, everyone can easly pass this course with some effort.
When I first signed up for this class, I was not expecting to be so thrilled throughout the quarter about this class. Dr. Carpio is very engaging during lectures, open to discussion during her office hours, and meeting with her about Chicano/a/x related ideas even if you cannot make her office hours she was very available to find another time in her week to meet. The required textbooks are not too expensive (and can be found and used as e books) and can be engaging if you are into reading about Mexican American history. Due to the COVID 19, Week 10 and finals week was different; however, the midterm was divided into two parts, one was keywords (during discussion) that are put online since the beginning of the quarter and second was short answer responses (during lecture). The final would have been a take home exam and was 2-3 pages. There is also a zine that is due Week 9. 10/10 recommend this course and especially with Dr. Carpio.
Professor Carpio is one of the best professors at UCLA. I have never been interested in Chicano studies but now I want to pursue a minor. She is an engaging lecturer and you can see her passion when she is lecturing. Her tests are exactly like the study guide she gives out so make sure to do the essay examples from the study guide. She basically just rewords the study guide.
This class was the largest I have ever taken at UCLA, with about 550 students. Lectures were generally interesting, though could get extremely boring at times. Discussion sections were useless, but attendance at them was mandatory. Grade is dependent on midterm, final, participation, and a "zine" project where you have to create a little artsy booklet. Overall though, the class was incredibly easy and Carpio was very helpful in office hours. She definitely made me feel like she cared even though there were 500 others in the class.