Ian McLean
Most Helpful Review
Amazing! I took him for Astro 4, and the class was amazing. You learn a lot of interesting information. He is a really good lecturer, even though he just says exactly what's in the book, so you don't actually have to go to class. He is really nice and helpful, and he did everything he could to make sure that you got an A if you wanted it. Plus, it was an easy class!
Amazing! I took him for Astro 4, and the class was amazing. You learn a lot of interesting information. He is a really good lecturer, even though he just says exactly what's in the book, so you don't actually have to go to class. He is really nice and helpful, and he did everything he could to make sure that you got an A if you wanted it. Plus, it was an easy class!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2019 - If you need an easy science GE to balance a tough class load or need a GPA booster, take this class! Dr. McLean is a great professor because not only does he give a majority the class an A, but he is really passionate about the subject and strives for students to gain the same appreciation. Meaning he is always very helpful and breaks down astronomy to make it clear and concise. The class was graded on online quizzes, one 50q midterm, 1 90q final, and discussion participation. The homework quizzes are straight from the lecture slides. The exams are verbatim his exam reviews and the quiz questions. You get discussion participation for showing up. It is extremely easy to do well and I encourage students to go to lectures because it is honestly awesome stuff to hear about. Protect Dr. McLean at all costs!!!!
Winter 2019 - If you need an easy science GE to balance a tough class load or need a GPA booster, take this class! Dr. McLean is a great professor because not only does he give a majority the class an A, but he is really passionate about the subject and strives for students to gain the same appreciation. Meaning he is always very helpful and breaks down astronomy to make it clear and concise. The class was graded on online quizzes, one 50q midterm, 1 90q final, and discussion participation. The homework quizzes are straight from the lecture slides. The exams are verbatim his exam reviews and the quiz questions. You get discussion participation for showing up. It is extremely easy to do well and I encourage students to go to lectures because it is honestly awesome stuff to hear about. Protect Dr. McLean at all costs!!!!
Most Helpful Review
Professor Mclean is so great! He really, really just wants his students to succeed. He makes sure that you know exactly what to study for the midterms and final, and is super flexible about homework. He's such a sweet man, I had the absolute best experience taking this class. Even though I hate physics with a deep, deep passion. Like, for our first midterm the average was a 91% and he didn't curve it. His class isn't curved at all, but it doesn't need to be. Take this professor if you get the chance!
Professor Mclean is so great! He really, really just wants his students to succeed. He makes sure that you know exactly what to study for the midterms and final, and is super flexible about homework. He's such a sweet man, I had the absolute best experience taking this class. Even though I hate physics with a deep, deep passion. Like, for our first midterm the average was a 91% and he didn't curve it. His class isn't curved at all, but it doesn't need to be. Take this professor if you get the chance!
Most Helpful Review
I can't say enough good things about Professor McLean. Considering that I can't stand the thought of Physics and I have never been good at it, Physics 6C with Prof. McLean was AWESOME!!! His tests are practically identical to the homework problems. One time he changed the due date for one of the homework sets and I didn't hear about it...he let me turn it in one week late for full credit. How many professors do you know that would do that? Prof McLean is such a nice guy, and he really tries to make physics interesting and fun for everyone. Going into the quarter, I was most worried about 6C, and thought it would be my hardest class, but it turned out that it was my easiest and when it came down to finals week it was a big lift off my shoulders to have an easy final. It was practically identical to the practice final. If physics is hard for you, and you want to finally Ace a physics class, you HAVE to take it with Professor McLean. He is one of the best professors I've taken at UCLA, if not the best.
I can't say enough good things about Professor McLean. Considering that I can't stand the thought of Physics and I have never been good at it, Physics 6C with Prof. McLean was AWESOME!!! His tests are practically identical to the homework problems. One time he changed the due date for one of the homework sets and I didn't hear about it...he let me turn it in one week late for full credit. How many professors do you know that would do that? Prof McLean is such a nice guy, and he really tries to make physics interesting and fun for everyone. Going into the quarter, I was most worried about 6C, and thought it would be my hardest class, but it turned out that it was my easiest and when it came down to finals week it was a big lift off my shoulders to have an easy final. It was practically identical to the practice final. If physics is hard for you, and you want to finally Ace a physics class, you HAVE to take it with Professor McLean. He is one of the best professors I've taken at UCLA, if not the best.
Most Helpful Review
I took ASTRO 3 but wasn't an option above ^? Professor McLean is AWESOME! He is so understanding and helpful. His lectures are interesting, and he is so eager to share knowledge with his students. McLean is genuinely caring towards every student, and has the interest of everyone to do well. Very easy to talk to. Going to his office hours allowed me to know exactly what was going to be on the final... Thanks Professor McLean!
I took ASTRO 3 but wasn't an option above ^? Professor McLean is AWESOME! He is so understanding and helpful. His lectures are interesting, and he is so eager to share knowledge with his students. McLean is genuinely caring towards every student, and has the interest of everyone to do well. Very easy to talk to. Going to his office hours allowed me to know exactly what was going to be on the final... Thanks Professor McLean!
Most Helpful Review
--ASTR 3 Firstly, let me just say it has been my favorite class. Grading: Straight scale, but he curves around the class performance on the first midterm if it helps the class [ we had a mean of 89 on the first midterm, and 86 on the second midterm so he brought the mean on the second up to 89]. 98+ is A+ 93-98 is A 90-93 is A-, and so on. Final (35%, ridiculously easy, mean was 90%) Midterm 2 (20%, very easy) Midterm 1 (20% also very easy) Labs (15%, don't get Robin; My average outside of labs was 98% in the class [without EC]; lab average 90%, always ended up below median on labs and was top 10 in everything else all the time. All the other TAs are much more chill. However, if you can't get out of her lab, just trudge through it.. only worth 15%) Homework (10% online quizzes, you might miss a point here and there, but should be an easy 95% in it. Check with a friend if you're paranoid ) 0.5% EC random attendance day [ ours was on the day after midterm 1 ] 1.5% EC -- Telescope viewing 1.5% EC -- Griffith Observatory -- Lecture: Always very engaging; I regret not going more often [ all the lecture notes are online ] . He's a funny, intelligent, and coherent professor. Moreover, he is perhaps the nicest professor in UCLA, and is always willing to help his students. Astronomy lends itself to interest, and he expands on that greatly. Also, his scottish accent is pretty awesome. That's about it. Take this class with Mclean. Nuff said.
--ASTR 3 Firstly, let me just say it has been my favorite class. Grading: Straight scale, but he curves around the class performance on the first midterm if it helps the class [ we had a mean of 89 on the first midterm, and 86 on the second midterm so he brought the mean on the second up to 89]. 98+ is A+ 93-98 is A 90-93 is A-, and so on. Final (35%, ridiculously easy, mean was 90%) Midterm 2 (20%, very easy) Midterm 1 (20% also very easy) Labs (15%, don't get Robin; My average outside of labs was 98% in the class [without EC]; lab average 90%, always ended up below median on labs and was top 10 in everything else all the time. All the other TAs are much more chill. However, if you can't get out of her lab, just trudge through it.. only worth 15%) Homework (10% online quizzes, you might miss a point here and there, but should be an easy 95% in it. Check with a friend if you're paranoid ) 0.5% EC random attendance day [ ours was on the day after midterm 1 ] 1.5% EC -- Telescope viewing 1.5% EC -- Griffith Observatory -- Lecture: Always very engaging; I regret not going more often [ all the lecture notes are online ] . He's a funny, intelligent, and coherent professor. Moreover, he is perhaps the nicest professor in UCLA, and is always willing to help his students. Astronomy lends itself to interest, and he expands on that greatly. Also, his scottish accent is pretty awesome. That's about it. Take this class with Mclean. Nuff said.