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Julienne Bower
Based on 40 Users
I would definitely recommend this class to other people. Grade was basically 5 reading assignments (20%) which take about 20 min max to do and can be done literally by skimming the article and looking for the answer and a midterm and final. I took this course during the virus situation so I had the opportunity to opt out of the final which I really appreciate Dr. Bower for doing because my other psych prof made the final mandatory for everyone. But based on the midterm the average was in the high 80's and many of the questions are based directly off the lecture slides and are very straightforward and not tricky.
I found the material to be interesting but I will say that the ppts consisted of 50+ slides per lecture so there is a fair amount of material but the material is STRAIGHTFORWARD so just put in a two or three days before the exam and you will be good!
Psych 152 with Dr. Bower was definitely a fast-paced class that had a whole lot of content covered. The lectures are recorded but audio only so keep that in mind if you're planning on not attending. There's also in-class activities but it was via a Google Form so some people would do them without physically being present in lecture. I found the exams to be really tough and often very specific to certain words she said during lecture. I studied a lot for this class but didn't feel like my grade reflected my efforts. Our TA really wasn't that helpful so a lot of times it kind of felt like you were alone in this class. The content is also pretty dense and certain topics are harder to understand. However, I still do feel like a learned a lot from this class but would've appreciated it the exams weren't as hard as they were. There's also a few quizzes and reading response questions which aren't too hard. There's no extra credit offered either.
This class was overwhelming at first because of the huge portion of our grade from the group project but Dr. Bower and Arielle listened to our queries mid-quarter through and changed the requirements and made the group project significantly easier.
A lot of interesting material in each class and the exams were multiple-choice, pretty straightforward, and I honestly didn't read the book at all but you could control + F it for the couple questions that are asked.
Loved the class and Dr. Bower and Arielle were super understanding and would clarify anything that we weren't sure of. Definitely a good class to take :)
Julienne Bower is an AWESOME professor. I took her class, "Mind-Body Interactions and Health" (Psych 152) and found it to be life changing. The grading is very fair and it is not difficult to get an "A." Just make sure you know the meta-analyses results when taking the exams (that's what the majority of the class missed). Lots of extra credit on the final exam too!!
Class taken: PSYCHOLOGY 152
The material of the class is pretty interesting, and I enjoyed most of the readings. The grading is fair, although you do have to study to get an A. She didn't offer any extra credit for my quarter. Your grade is based on 10% attendance (via the iClicker questions), 25% papers (1 page response to an activity you do in class, really easy, you will do about 5 of these), and 65% tests (30% midterm and 35% final). I didn't really like Prof. Bower's lecturing style, but it is doable and the material is enjoyable.
Class taken: PSYCHOLOGY 152
The material of the class is pretty interesting, and I enjoyed most of the readings. The grading is fair, although you do have to study to get an A. She didn't offer any extra credit for my quarter. Your grade is based on 10% attendance (via the iClicker questions), 25% papers (1 page response to an activity you do in class, really easy, you will do about 5 of these), and 65% tests (30% midterm and 35% final). I didn't really like Prof. Bower's lecturing style, but it is doable and the material is enjoyable.
I would definitely recommend this class to other people. Grade was basically 5 reading assignments (20%) which take about 20 min max to do and can be done literally by skimming the article and looking for the answer and a midterm and final. I took this course during the virus situation so I had the opportunity to opt out of the final which I really appreciate Dr. Bower for doing because my other psych prof made the final mandatory for everyone. But based on the midterm the average was in the high 80's and many of the questions are based directly off the lecture slides and are very straightforward and not tricky.
I found the material to be interesting but I will say that the ppts consisted of 50+ slides per lecture so there is a fair amount of material but the material is STRAIGHTFORWARD so just put in a two or three days before the exam and you will be good!
Psych 152 with Dr. Bower was definitely a fast-paced class that had a whole lot of content covered. The lectures are recorded but audio only so keep that in mind if you're planning on not attending. There's also in-class activities but it was via a Google Form so some people would do them without physically being present in lecture. I found the exams to be really tough and often very specific to certain words she said during lecture. I studied a lot for this class but didn't feel like my grade reflected my efforts. Our TA really wasn't that helpful so a lot of times it kind of felt like you were alone in this class. The content is also pretty dense and certain topics are harder to understand. However, I still do feel like a learned a lot from this class but would've appreciated it the exams weren't as hard as they were. There's also a few quizzes and reading response questions which aren't too hard. There's no extra credit offered either.
This class was overwhelming at first because of the huge portion of our grade from the group project but Dr. Bower and Arielle listened to our queries mid-quarter through and changed the requirements and made the group project significantly easier.
A lot of interesting material in each class and the exams were multiple-choice, pretty straightforward, and I honestly didn't read the book at all but you could control + F it for the couple questions that are asked.
Loved the class and Dr. Bower and Arielle were super understanding and would clarify anything that we weren't sure of. Definitely a good class to take :)
Julienne Bower is an AWESOME professor. I took her class, "Mind-Body Interactions and Health" (Psych 152) and found it to be life changing. The grading is very fair and it is not difficult to get an "A." Just make sure you know the meta-analyses results when taking the exams (that's what the majority of the class missed). Lots of extra credit on the final exam too!!
Class taken: PSYCHOLOGY 152
The material of the class is pretty interesting, and I enjoyed most of the readings. The grading is fair, although you do have to study to get an A. She didn't offer any extra credit for my quarter. Your grade is based on 10% attendance (via the iClicker questions), 25% papers (1 page response to an activity you do in class, really easy, you will do about 5 of these), and 65% tests (30% midterm and 35% final). I didn't really like Prof. Bower's lecturing style, but it is doable and the material is enjoyable.
Class taken: PSYCHOLOGY 152
The material of the class is pretty interesting, and I enjoyed most of the readings. The grading is fair, although you do have to study to get an A. She didn't offer any extra credit for my quarter. Your grade is based on 10% attendance (via the iClicker questions), 25% papers (1 page response to an activity you do in class, really easy, you will do about 5 of these), and 65% tests (30% midterm and 35% final). I didn't really like Prof. Bower's lecturing style, but it is doable and the material is enjoyable.